House Painting in Malvern, Pa

stained-entertainment-center-in-Malvern, PA

Painting Project

Elevate your living space with our expert interior painting services in Pennsylvania. From the bold, black exterior of the front door to the meticulous restoration of the office’s built-in cabinetry, trim, and ceilings, our team brings a fresh perspective to every room. Using top-quality Sherwin Williams paints and we ensure a superior finish for the front door, great room, office, dining room, living room, and staircase, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home.

This interior painting project involves using ProMar 400 FL for ceilings, Emerald Interior Acrylic Latex Paint for walls, and Stix for other surfaces. The job includes painting all stained trim in the office, excluding a built-in cabinet, painting a large cabinet white in the living room along with its ceiling, touch-up work on the front staircase, and completing quarter-round finishing along the floor in multiple rooms.

Want to give your house fresh look?

Our team of expert painters has lots of experience painting and staining outside your house in Southeastern Pennsylvania. You can call us or fill out our form to get a free meeting scheduled. We’d love to talk to you.

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